Leistner Drills made of tungsten carbide or HSS for brush manufacturers

One of the top products of LEISTNER are Leistner Drills made of tungsten carbide or HSS for brush manufacturers, for use with CNC high speed drilling machines. LEISTNER produces several different drill types for all market-relevant kinds of wooden or plastic brush blocks. For the brush manufacturing process, Leistner Drills have to drill permanently up to around 1200 holes per minute by operate day and night. The Leistner Drill range for the brush industry enjoys worldwide reputation as top-quality product in regard to variety, quality, and performance.

Leistner Drills for the brush industry are designed in several different types: single, double or triple fluted, straight or spiral, with a point angle of 60°, or with a centre point with two negative spurs. The diameter for each type can vary between 1.5 and 12.5 mm, in steps of 0.1 mm.

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